Tag: Bucket Investment Strategy

Our 90-10 Investment Process™: Part 2 (Ep. 4)

Our 90-10 Investment Process™: Part 2 (Ep. 4)

We help reduce risk, enhance returns and create more certainty with our 90-10 Investment Process™ and our 5 Investment Pillars. Previously, we talked about pillars 1-3. Today, we wrap up our philosophy with pillars 4 and 5.

In this episode, Adam Scott, CFP®, elaborates on the 90-10 Investment Process™ with a recap of pillars 1-3 before diving into pillars 4 and 5. Adam unpacks the bucket investment strategy and shares a story explaining how the different types of buckets can be utilized. Adam then talks about the significance of tax efficiency in navigating your financial journey.

Adam discusses: 

  • A recap of pillars 1-3 from the previous episode of Red Carpet Retirement™
  • Pillar number 4, the bucket investment strategy, and 5, tax efficiency
  • A client’s story detailing how investment buckets are set up and what each type of bucket is for
  • How important tax efficiency is in navigating your financial journey
  • And more


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