Month: October 2022

Our 90-10 Investment Process™: Part 1 (Ep. 3)

Our 90-10 Investment Process™: Part 1 (Ep. 3)

Many intelligent people invest inefficiently, or worse, they make catastrophic investment mistakes. They don’t know what they don’t know. At WellAcre, we help minimize risk, enhance returns and create more certainty with our patented 90-10 investment Process™ and our 5 Investment Pillars.

In this episode, Adam introduces WellAcre Wealth Management’s 90-10 Investment Process™, goes over the 5 Investment Pillars, and elaborates on the first three in-depth. Don’t hesitate to contact Adam Scott, CFP®, for more information or subscribe to Red Carpet Retirement™ for our upcoming episode about the last two pillars of our investment strategy.

Adam  discusses: 

  • Why investors should solve for the reliability of income as opposed to the return on investment
  • How we use evidence-based investing in reducing the risk of running out of money
  • How we use psychology and behavior to help navigate investment bubbles and black swan events
  • And more


Connect with Adam Scott: 

Making Work Optional with WellAcre Wealth Management, LLC (Ep. 2)

Making Work Optional with WellAcre Wealth Management, LLC (Ep. 2)

What is it like to work with WellAcre Wealth Management, LLC, and how do they make work optional?

In this episode, Adam Scott, CFP®, describes the Red Carpet Experience of working with WellAcre Wealth Management. Adam covers the significance of being a fee-only financial planner and the importance of their patented Lunar Landing Wealth Management Formula™.  Adam goes over what someone can expect when they call the office to arrange a meeting with him and describes the Lunar Landing Formula, designed to make work optional. This includes a description of four of the main pillars of Advanced Financial Planning.

Adam discusses: 

  • A recap of what it means to be a fee-only financial planner from the previous episode
  • What to expect when you phone WellAcre Wealth Management and set up a Visions and Values meeting with Adam
  • WellAcre’s formula for smooth-sailing financial management 
  • The four main pillars of advanced planning
  • And more


Connect with Adam Scott: 

Phone: 310-220-4946

Meet Your Red Carpet Retirement Host Adam Scott, CFP® (Ep. 1)

Meet Your Red Carpet Retirement Host Adam Scott, CFP® (Ep. 1)

Here at Red Carpet Retirement™, we help Make Work Optional™ for successful pre-retirees and retirees by helping to enhance and secure their financial future. We do our best work with business owners and highly successful individuals from the entertainment and creative industries. Listen and learn today!

In this first episode, Adam Scott, CFP®, starts his podcast with stories about his experiences in the entertainment industry and how he got into the financial services industry. Adam shares what success looks like to him and what to expect in future episodes.

Adam discusses: 

  • How he got into the financial services industry
  • Why he enjoys working with business owners and people in the entertainment industry
  • What you can expect from the Red Carpet Retirement™ Podcast
  • And more


Connect with Adam Scott, CFP®: 

Phone: 310-220-4946